Thursday, February 12, 2015

Anaconda in python

Few days ago, I found a nice meta package for scientist and engineers in python. Its name is Anaconda,

If you are a beginner in python for data analysis, it is a one stop tool encompassing most popular packages in python.

And it also includes a cool IDE, Spyder (the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment).

I love it!

Happy programming!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Starting Ipython notebook without terminal

One of the nuisance of Ubuntu (otherwise I find it really nice) is that the shell commands need to be run after opening terminal. It is not terribly hard, but it is not fun, especially if you need to frequently open and close the ipython notebook.

Then I found one technique you can use.

user@Minerva:~/Desktop$ cat ipyhon_notebook.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=GUI for ipython notebook
Exec=/usr/bin/ipython notebook --matplotlib
Basically, you can make a *.desktop file in your Desktop folder like the above lines using your favorite text editor. I assume that you already have already installed ipython & ipython notebook. If not, you can do it now.

I found the icon from the ipython org page and downloaded and set the path in the "Icon" line. You can use your own image and path. If you want to see the terminal and debugging messages you can set the "Terminal" as true. I do not wanted to clutter my screen. so I set it false.

Now, you can start ipython notebook by double click the icon on the desktop and even put it in the launcher panel by drag and drop. Just make sure you do not delete the original .desktop file.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

SSH connections through proxies

SSH connections through proxies

Sometimes, it is very annoying to connect into a server that is bind a firewalls. You need to connect that is reachable outside first and then ssh into the server.

Here is a little tip I found;

The explanation in above page is extremely helpful, so you got to read it.
For the short summary for a head-first person like me,
you can set up a ssh config file, $HOME/.ssh/config, like the following example.

#### Example .ssh/config file #####
Host *
        ForwardX11 yes
        Compression yes
        ServerAliveInterval     120
        ServerAliveCountMax     3

Host proxyserver

Host myworkstation
        ProxyCommand ssh -q proxyserver p nc -q0 Hera 22

Without this setting, I ran "ssh proxyserver" first and then "ssh myworkstation" from the proxyserver.
But, this config file helps me to log into my workstation with single "ssh myworkstation" at home!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

HP Laptop Beat Audio Sound Problem in Linux

I recently purchased a HP laptop. It works well and much better than what I anticipated. Except one, well, two problems in Ubuntu.

One problem is the sound is too soft in Ubuntu, and the other problem is the fingerprint security system.

After some googling, I figured that the sound problem can be fixed,

Basically, manually overide non-detected internal speakers. HP laptop has two additional speakers, how cool is that!!

However, I could not find the suitable driver for the fingerprint security system.


At least I am enjoying better sound!!

Good job HP, and hopefully HP cares more about linux, too.

Friday, January 16, 2015

My new year's resolution.

Do not judge and don't be afraid to be judged!